The listening tour for healthcare workers in Manitoba begins on December 8th

The Government of Manitoba will begin listening to healthcare workers on December 8th. The first stop will be Grace Hospital in Winnipeg.

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew and Health Minister Uzoma Asagwara made the announcement during a press conference on Monday.

The Manitoba New Democratic Party (NDP) promised in the election campaign. Rebuilding culture in the healthcare system and establish a new collaboration with the nursing staff.

In the throne speech last week, the provincial government reiterated this promote a culture of open and transparent communication and that his health decisions will draw on the knowledge and extensive experience of our frontline staff.

It is very important that our decisions to strengthen the health system are directly related to the testimony of health professionals and reflect our respect and appreciation for the expertise of these workers who make our health system function.points out Uzoma Asagwara.

Wab Kinew, Uzoma Asagwara and members of the provincial government will hold hours-long talks with health workers, a statement from the province said.

Health workers will be encouraged to speak out freely and without fear of reprisal to address workforce shortages, address health system challenges and propose innovative solutions, the New Democrat government says.

Lack of self-confidence leads to burnout. When there is trust between workers and the government, we will work together to make Manitoba’s health care system bettersays Wab Kinew. This tour is designed to rebuild trust and collect data to repair the healthcare system.

In the coming months, the listening tour with healthcare workers will also take place at the Health Sciences Centre, St. Boniface Hospital and Victoria Hospital in Winnipeg.

This also includes visits to hospitals in Steinbach, Brandon, Thompson and Selkirk. More locations could be added, the province says.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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