Called for new plan for Saskatchewan nurse recruitment and retention

Last September, the Saskatchewan government announced its intention to hire more than 1,000 healthcare workers over the next few years Saskatchewan Health Care Recruitment Agency.

However, according to the New Democrats, this strategy has many flaws and should be reviewed.

The speaker for NDP in health, Vicki Mowat, would like to see more training offered in small communities for health workers already resident in the province.

Instead of focusing on international recruitment, the Saskatchewan Party should support health workers who are already here in Saskatchewan. The municipalities of the province have a lot to offer. »

A quote from Vicki Mowat, NDP health critic

According to Vicki Mowat, many doctors and nurses are leaving Saskatchewan because they don’t feel supported.

The New Democrat also notes that Saskatchewan is at a disadvantage in recruiting out-of-province health workers as it competes with other provinces with retention programs, such as Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia.

Nurse Practitioners Association of Saskatchewan President Tara Schmalenberg says the provincial government should focus on the recruitment program introduced in 2014.

In their opinion, this action plan better responds to the urgent needs on the ground.

Additionally, Tara Schmalenberg adds that a study shows that 35% of nurses in Saskatchewan have part-time jobs. Ms Schmalenberg says offering more full-time positions could improve employee retention.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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