VIDEO – Canadians, French, Poles… they take up arms to defend Ukraine

Jedrzej Bien is also preparing to cross the border in Poland. This 42-year-old man, who traveled 16 hours to reach Ukrainian territory, says: “I feel obliged. I heard Zelensky ask for help from Europe and now I’m here.”. “The Ukrainian people need us now to fight Russian aggression. History has taught us a valuable lesson and we must not let 1939 happen again.”he points out Daily Mail.

The call for help did not fall on deaf ears on the other side of the Atlantic either. Despite the ocean and the thousands of miles that separate them from the theater of operations, the citizens of North America believe that their daily lives and rights, particularly democratic rights, could be threatened if they do not act to defend Europe. Such is the case, for example, of a Canadian, Bryson Woolsey, who was interviewed by Reuters. After President Zelenskyy’s message, he resigned from his job as a chef. With no military training, he plans to buy a plane ticket to Poland, cross over to Ukraine and volunteer to fight. “I felt like I had to do something”, he says, deeply moved by the images of injured women and children in Ukraine. Hyde, a 28-year-old American, is already in Kyiv. He is scheduled to begin military training on Tuesday. “I can’t bear the thought of Europe being plunged into war again”exclaims the one who describes himself as a firearms enthusiast and survivalist.

Earl Bishop

Thinker. Professional social media fanatic. Introvert. Web evangelist. Total pop culture fan.

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