Toronto Sun columnist accused of racism

Toronto Sun columnist Steve Simmons finds himself in the hot seat after making comments about former defense attorney Akim Aliu in his Sunday article.

The former ice hockey player has been in the public eye for several years to promote diversity in ice hockey. He is also one of the co-founders of the “Alliance for Diversity in Ice Hockey”. In November 2019, Aliu denounced racist remarks made by instructor Bill Peters against him during the 2009-2010 American League season. The pilot had resigned as head coach of the Calgary Flames.

“Nobody wants to say that because of police political correctness and stuff, but those who were Akim Aliu’s coaches have to cringe every time they see him in a report or an ad to talk about what’s wrong with hockey.” , Simmons wrote.

“As if he knows what he’s talking about. By my calculations, Aliu played for 23 teams in nine different leagues in 12 pro seasons and rarely finished a season with the same team he started with. When it comes to color, how come Wayne Simmonds spent roughly the same 12 seasons in the NHL?

Aliu responded to this comment in a video posted to his Twitter account.

“People like Steve are what’s wrong in our society,” he said. This is the first time in history that racism has been part of the conversation in hockey. I think my history and what Allianz is doing are the main reasons for that. Steve, you have absolutely no idea what my family and I have been through physically and mentally since I started playing hockey.”

“You are a racist and an arrogant. You have no credibility and no respect from your own peers in the media and athletes. If the Toronto Sun had any integrity, you would never write a column again. I’ll tell you again, but you will never separate us and we will always be stronger together,” Aliu concluded.

The Nigerian man has garnered support from several people on social media, including Florida Panthers forward Anthony Duclair.

“Steve Simmons, you’re a clown because you think you’re dividing us all. You have no idea what we’ve all been through. I don’t know why you still have a vote today after your silly column,” the Quebec native responded on Twitter.

Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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