New delays for the Guévremont Park

PARK. The city park project in Saint-Cyrille, announced in May 2021, is still piling up delays. This time the community is poised to move forward, but the company it does business with to design the plans has still not delivered its work.

“We thought we could start work this year, but obviously that won’t be 2022. We expect it to be ready very early in 2024. Our General Manager is putting a lot of pressure on the designers right now. If things don’t go ahead, we’ll have to work on a plan B,” impatient Sylvain Masson, who points out that the tendering process cannot start without the plans.

Also, the budget cannot be finalized without the plans either. Remember that the community benefits from significant financial support. The Government of Canada will invest $399,026 through the Community, Cultural and Recreation Infrastructure component of the Investing in Canada infrastructure program, while the Government of Quebec will provide $399,026 through its Recreational Infrastructure and Sports Financial Assistance Program to complete the project. Another part is financed from the municipal budget.

Then the municipal council turned to the services of the Rues Principales company to revitalize the village center in the sector along Route 122, including the streets Rang 4 de Simpson and Saint-David, Saint-Laurent and Saint-Damase.

“We asked them to propose development plans for the revitalization of the village center of Saint-Cyrille. We have a meeting in the next few weeks where we want to explain our vision to them. From there, they will work alongside them to present a project to us,” said Sylvain Masson, Acting Mayor and Councilor of District 3.

The aim is to make the sector more convivial, give it more beauty and attract local businesses. “We want to have a common, global and concerted vision. Then the ward council, with their suggestions, their plans and their ideas, will decide what to do next,” Mr. Masson said.

The result is to be communicated to the municipality in the spring by the Rues Principales company.

Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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