Canada is not our country

tomorrow, 1ah On July 1st, the federal government will do everything it can to make us believe that on Canada Day, Quebecers should recognize each other as if this country were their own.

But Quebecers are not fooled.

They know deep down that they are not Canadians and that Canada is not their country. They know very well that they are no longer at home in Ontario, in Alberta, in Saskatchewan.

And as Montreal is rapidly becoming Canadianized through increasing Anglicization, they feel more and more alien there. This is a serious problem that the Legault government is trying to correct with its language reinforcement policy.


I would add: Canada was never really our country, even if the identity lexicon is misleading.

Of course we originally founded Canada and called ourselves Canadians at first. But as those who were then called Englishmen appropriated that reference and became Canadians, even to the point of stealing our national anthem, we broke away from that and became French Canadians, then Quebecers.

We have always been aware of our crucial difference.

So that we understand each other. Canada is an English country that treats French as an uncomfortable folkloric residue with which one must make the least possible compromise. While portrayed as a bilingual country, it is a bilingual English speaking country. And it has become more radical in recent years.

Canada is a multicultural country that views the people of Quebec as one ethnic group among others. And when our nation tries to assert itself, it is accused of ethnic superiority.

You have to read English Canada’s press and social media to see how hatred of Quebec is trivialized, even encouraged. We are accused of racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, we are told that our language is an obstacle to progress, modernity, inclusion.

There is no attempt to understand our collective situation in America.

Living in Canada means condemning yourself to being less and less Quebecois.

I would like to add, and this is not a detail, that Canada is a country of concern today. It is a genuine Wokistan that has lapsed into extreme multiculturalism, to the point of celebrating the niqab, and normalizing new forms of censorship in the name of diversity.

Historically, it is a strange ideological experiment unfolding in Canada. I don’t see any progress there. Canada even congratulates itself on being the first post-national country.

Let’s be clear: I’m not demonizing Canada. I don’t hate him. It’s an enchanting country that Canadians can be proud of.


And as René Lévesque said, it’s not the Gulag.

But this is not our country.

Happy Post-National Holiday in Canada: Good Neighborhood is Essential on this Earth.

But I want to remind him that this celebration isn’t about us.

Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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