A housing policy for the CMM

Financing of social and community housing, integrated housing and land use planning and a diversified offer adapted to the changing needs of households are the main directions on which the first Metropolitan Housing Policy of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) is based. oriented.

There CMM see there a strategic tool aimed at mobilizing and coordinating the efforts of various housing actors to address the complex challenges arising in the context of demographic change and the climate crisis.

But to get there, CMM sets several objectives, including a series of measures such as: the integration of social and affordable housing objectives into the Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan (PMAD), which are determined according to the needs and characteristics of the surrounding area.

Communities are called optimize their efforts to develop social, community and affordable housing in their area by using the levers at their disposal or adopting new practices and innovative strategies.

In a statement, Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante highlighted the serious consequences of the housing shortage and affordability crisis for the population of the Greater Montreal area. She sees this policy from CMM with a good eye.

Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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