When asked about the negotiations with Quebec, Holland speaks of uniformity in the quality of dental care

“We are ready for everyone, anywhere in the country, to receive dental care, and it is important not to block this,” he said in a press briefing.

Despite several questions aimed at clarifying the sticking points in the discussions with the Quebec government, Mr. Holland was content to say that “balance” and “quality of services” were the same everywhere. The others from Canada are important for the federal government.

“When there are legal problems, it is always the case that the people on the street want the service,” said the minister, saying that he was in that “spirit” when he discussed this issue with his Quebec counterpart, François Legault, government, Christian Dubé discussed. He said he was “certain” that a “solution” could be found in “this spirit.”

Mr. Holland appeared in the foyer of the House of Commons on Wednesday to emphasize to reporters that the new federal dental reimbursement program will be accessible to more Canadians.

The benefit has been available since the end of 2022 to cover dental costs for children under 12 years of age. Last December, seniors ages 77 and older received a letter inviting them to sign up to receive the benefit.

In February it will be the turn of people aged 72 to 76, said Mr Holland, surrounded by other ministers such as supply minister Jean-Yves Duclos.

The expansion of access to the program must then continue to occur gradually.

Quebec already has its own public dental insurance that covers certain bills for children under 10.

“This (federal) program complements the Quebec program, which does not cover preventative care. And in the field of health, we know how important prevention is,” explained Mr. Duclos when he headed the Ministry of Health.

For its part, Prime Minister Legault's office said in 2022 that it was “asking the federal government for a cash transfer to improve (Quebec's) programs.”

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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