Two cases of “zombie deer disease” confirmed in British Columbia

The British Columbia government announced that two deer have been confirmed to have Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a first in the province.

Nickname: Zombie deer diseaseThere MDC is fatal and incurable. It affects deer such as elk, caribou and elk and is spreading rapidly across western Canada.

It was first discovered in March 2023 in Manitoba. In May, a provincial survey in Alberta found the disease was present in 23 per cent of samples taken during the 2022-2023 hunting season.

In response, the British Columbia government implemented a disease surveillance program to reduce the risk of spread.

This program has just confirmed the presence of the disease in two deer in the region Kootenayin southeastern British Columbia.

The two positive cases were discovered south of Cranbrook, approximately 85 km west of the Alberta border. The first case involved an adult male mule deer and the second case involved an adult female white-tailed deer. The diagnoses were confirmed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency on January 31.

No evidence of transmission to humans

British Columbia's Ministry of Water, Land and Resources Management says there is no direct evidence that the disease can be transmitted to humans. He adds that the MDC has never been demonstrated in humans.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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