Transport Canada introduces new technologies to better serve Canadians

From : Transport Canada

Alessandro Repetto, one of the ambassadors of the Change Ambassadors Network at Transport Canada.

Transport Canada is entering the digital age to save time and money and ensure more efficient service delivery to Canadians. This change is part of Transport Canada’s Transformation Agenda, a plan to continually modernize and adapt the way we deliver our programs and services to better serve Canadians and ensure we remain a world-class regulator.

The modernization initiatives that Transport Canada is undertaking will help us better meet the needs of the rapidly evolving transportation sector, continue to foster innovation in our daily work and ensure our people have the tools they need to adapt and succeed in today’s environment.

One way Transport Canada is adapting to these needs is by integrating new technologies through our members of the Transport Canada Change Ambassadors Network. These ambassadors are Transport Canada inspectors who work across all modes of transport (marine, air, rail and road) and whose job it is to test tablets using surveillance MyTC (new TC platform) as a new technology to be able to carry out their tasks in the field. As ambassadors, they guide their colleagues in the use of this platform, answer questions about the use of the tablet and its applications and provide feedback to the monitoring team MyTransport Canada TC.

Alessandro Repetto is an ambassador for the Marine Safety and Security Division of Transport Canada’s Ontario region. He is a senior marine safety inspector and his role is to conduct mandatory inspections on Canadian ships and small boats, as well as cargo inspections on foreign vessels. As a seaman examiner, he also conducts examinations for persons seeking a maritime professional certificate and issues their certificates of competency.

According to Mr. Repetto, “the main differences between the new tablets and our older laptops are portability, connectivity and the touch screen.” All the activities I perform involve extensive preparation and reporting work, which has been simplified by the introduction of new technologies and processes. ยป

“Thanks to the portability of the tablet, even when I’m offline, I always have access to a database that contains all the laws and regulations I need for my work, which I can show and explain to customers. The device shortens the time it takes to do an inspection and ensures that I don’t miss anything.”

The introduction of tablets has helped Transport Canada inspectors work more efficiently across all modes of transportation and provide faster service to Canadians. This is all part of Transport Canada’s efforts to save time and money and provide better service to Canadians, with the goal of creating a safe and efficient transportation system.

“My role as ambassador gave me a sense of accomplishment. I am helping to make Transport Canada more efficient in implementing Mandate “added Mr Repetto.

Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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