“This journey marks a life”

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of their first collaboration, the Speleological Group and the Children of the Moon association discovered Canada. And of course his caves.

Today at 6:03 p.m. | updated today at 6:07 p.m

Whether in front of the football stadium, on the banks of a river or in the streets of Montreal, the group has never gone unnoticed.

Around thirty children and young people wore an amazing protective mask. This very special diver is in fact life insurance for these “children of the moon” who cannot be exposed to ultraviolet rays.

For 20 years, young people suffering from the rare disease “xeroderma pigmentosum” have been experiencing a magical break from a life full of constraints.

In 2003, Alain Soubirane, Rémi Granier and other members of the Valence Speleological Group (GSV) took five “children of the moon” on a first underground expedition to Aven d’Orgnac, where they can remove their masks and live “normally”.

Due to its success and interest, the operation has been renewed every year since.

A documentary coming soon

Two decades later, the Valentin and the Children of the Moon association organized a trip to the other end of the world, to Canada.

Nearly 90 people, including about thirty young people suffering from the disease, took part. Rémi Granier, one of the initiators of the campaign, also said: “We previously did a weekend of discovery in France. This was a life-shaping trip that exceeded our expectations. »

In addition to the sightseeing, the group explored the Saint-Léonard Cave in Montreal. For some, the adventure continued thanks to the help of local actors in Trou du Diable, a cave in Quebec. For Rémi Granier it leaves indelible memories. He thinks particularly of Noah, this girl who “transformed” during the two days in Saint-Casimir.

A team from France 3 followed the Canadian adventure and a documentary is scheduled to air before the end of November.

The Valentinois caving group “already has an idea” to offer a welcome break to the children of the moon next year.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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