The Prime Minister will attend the ASEAN Summit, the G20 Summit, the APEC Business Leaders Meeting and the Francophonie Summit

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that he will be attending the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Leaders’ Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand , will attend and the Eighteenth Summit of Francophonie in Djerba, Tunisia.

The Indo-Pacific region is a thriving center of trade and investment, helping to open markets, create jobs and fuel economic growth. At his meetings in Asia, the Prime Minister will present Canada as a strong partner contributing to the growth of the world economy for the benefit of people on both sides of the Pacific. In the next half century, no region in the world will have as great an impact on Canada’s future as the Indo-Pacific region.

At the ASEAN Summit on November 12-13, Prime Minister Trudeau will discuss regional and global issues with his counterparts from ASEAN and across the Indo-Pacific region. He will be honored at the commemorative summit of the 45the Anniversary of the ASEAN-Canada partnership. Under the ASEAN Summit motto “Facing Challenges Together,” the Prime Minister will promote regional peace and stability, rules-based trade, economic growth for the benefit of all, and strong ties between our peoples.

People around the world are feeling the effects of problems like inflation, food insecurity and bottlenecks in supply chains. That’s why we must work together to stimulate the search for solutions and make people’s lives better and more affordable. At the G20 summit on November 15-16, 2022, the Prime Minister will join partners to seek to advance shared priorities under this year’s theme, Recovering Together. recover stronger”. In particular, they will work to find solutions to food and energy insecurity, climate change and health problems.

During the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, which took place on November 18, 2022 under the motto “Openness. Registration. Balance. Prime Minister Trudeau intends to reaffirm Canada’s openness to economic cooperation and its support for lifting trade barriers in the Asia-Pacific region for the benefit of people on both sides of the Pacific. He will also work with his colleagues to strengthen the bonds between our peoples and promote climate action and economic growth.

The Prime Minister will then attend the eighteenth Francophonie Summit on November 19-20, 2022. Under the Summit’s motto “Connectivity in Diversity”, he will emphasize the importance of protecting democracy and human rights, defending and promoting the French language and proceeding to strengthen our ties with our Francophonie partners on all continents.

During his trip, the Prime Minister will continue to advocate for peace, security, democracy and human rights. He will insist on the need for ambitious climate action to accelerate the transition to a cleaner economy, promote food and energy security and make people’s lives better and more affordable. The prime minister will stress the importance of continuing the work that allies and partners have been doing to support Ukraine and other countries hardest hit by the war and to stand united in the face of Russian aggression. He will continue to denounce Russia’s mock referees and attempts to illegally annex occupied parts of Ukraine, which constitute a flagrant violation of international law and further escalate the tactics used by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine.

Canada will continue to work with its international partners and democracies around the world to meet today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.


“When the world works together to address common challenges, people’s lives are better. I look forward to meeting with world leaders, including my Asia Pacific counterparts, to continue creating jobs and driving economic growth that benefits all. »

The Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada


  • The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional intergovernmental organization of 10 member states whose aim is to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development, promote peace and regional stability, respect for justice and the rule of law, and to increase cooperation in the region in a number of economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative areas.
  • PM Trudeau attended the commemorative summit of the 40the Anniversary of the ASEAN-Canada Partnership 2017 and at the ASEAN Summit 2018.
  • Canada is home to over a million Southeast Asian people. These make a significant contribution to the economic, cultural and social fabric of our country. The economies of ASEAN member states represent Canada’s fourth-largest trading partner, with more than $31 billion in bilateral trade in 2021. Almost 38,000 students from the ASEAN region are currently studying in Canada.
  • The G20 is the most important forum for international economic cooperation among its member countries. The G20 brings together the world’s major economies and represents all inhabited continents, 80% of world GDP, 75% of world trade and 60% of world population.
  • It will be the 8the G20 Summit attended by Prime Minister Trudeau.
  • It will be the 7the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attendance at a meeting of APEC business leaders.
  • As of 2020, the 21 APEC member economies generate more than 60% of global economic output, account for 48% of world trade and are home to 38% of the world’s population.
  • In 2021, APEC partners generated over 83% of all Canadian merchandise trade.
  • It will be the 3rde Participation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the Sommet de la Francophonie.
  • Canada is a founding country and an active member of the International Organization of Francophonie.

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Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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