The G7 will launch a working group on “responsible” artificial intelligence

On the way to a “responsible” approach. G7 leaders on Saturday May 20 announced the formation of a future “working group” on artificial intelligence (AI) to hold discussions on the “responsible use” of these tools and the risks involved, including “disinformation “, to direct. “We instruct the relevant ministers to establish the Hiroshima process on AI through a working group set up in cooperation with international organizations for discussions on generative AI by the end of the year,” said the press release of the G7, meetings from Friday to Sunday in this Japanese city.

Like ChatGPT, the best-known of these today, generative AI software (which can generate computer code, text, images, sound, video, etc.) is booming around the world while raising major concerns in many areas. The G7 working group’s discussions on this issue can therefore focus on “governance, the protection of intellectual property rights” and the “responsible use” of these new technologies, but also on the means to counteract “the manipulation of”. “Information” and “disinformation” about these tools.


Transparency, openness and impartiality

“We are committed to promoting multi-stakeholder approaches to developing standards for AI while respecting legally binding frameworks,” the G7 added. “We recognize the importance of practices that promote transparency, openness, fair trial, impartiality, respect for privacy and inclusion to promote responsible artificial intelligence,” stressed the leaders of this group of major industrialized democracies (US, Japan, Germany) . , France, United Kingdom, Italy and Canada).


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Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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