TELUS: Strengthening cloud computing security, a priority for IT leaders | THD

Launch of TELUS Business Canadian Cloud Security Study by TELUS. The study takes a look at the key implications and insightful data that can help organizations guide their cloud adoption strategies. With more than half of Canada’s business data stored in the cloud and businesses expanding their cloud footprint, the need for security has never been greater. The new study identifies several common security vulnerabilities that are top priorities for business leaders. It also highlights the processes and tools companies use to effectively defend themselves and protect their most important assets.

“Companies are embracing an increasingly digital world, but remain cautious about using highly sensitive data outside of their environment and in the cloud,” said Carey Frey, chief security officer at TELUS. To feel secure at all times, they adapt their processes and training to protect their data from human error, misconfigurations, and known vulnerabilities that could pose risks. »

In the fall of 2022, TELUS Business, in partnership with IDC Canada, conducted a survey of 511 cybersecurity decision makers from a broad spectrum of industries and organizations of all sizes to learn more about their perspectives and challenges, as well as the processes and tools used to secure theirs Cloud Computing Environments. The study would look at cloud adoption strategies, identify security gaps and how to implement effective defenses and more secure processes. The ultimate goal: to provide the best possible support for the expansion of cloud computing.

Here are the main issues discussed by respondents and some of their comments:

  • THE Enterprises have massively adopted a multi-cloud strategywith an average of more than eight different cloud service providers being used.
  • 89% of organizations say so The cloud failed to meet one or more of their expectations After the transfer, security is mentioned above all.
  • 98% of respondents agree It is more difficult to maintain security in a cloud environment than in an on-premises environmentand 99% agree they would devote more time to at least one aspect of security if they switched back to cloud computing.
  • The average enterprise cloud environment suffers more than 100 seizures per monthand 89% of organizations have experienced cloud-related security incidents.
  • 96% of organizations indicated that they refer to this framework of shared responsibility by their cloud service provider when deploying workloads in the cloud, but more than half admitted they only do that Sometimes.

“This data demonstrates the undeniable importance of having the right controls and solutions in place to detect, block, and remediate incidents before they cause lasting damage,” said Heather Tulk, senior vice president and president, sales, Commercial and Public Sectors – TELUS Business. Our customers are our top priority. By sharing this expertise and knowledge, we aim to empower IT leaders to overcome the challenges they face operating securely in the cloud and help them achieve their organization’s digital vision. »

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for cloud security, the best protection is one that is sound and proactive. As a leader in cybersecurity for more than 20 years, TELUS Business is well positioned to offer and deliver a unique perspective on enterprise threats and current trends solutions You need to be successful in a digital world.

The full Canadian cloud security study can be found here Here.


Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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