TELUS Health: Extended care with just a few clicks

In the age of digital transformation, especially in the context of the pandemic, the healthcare sector is reinventing itself and virtual care is on the rise. A look at the innovative solutions the Canadian communications technology company offers to meet the changing needs of populations and healthcare workers.

TELUS has been investing for several years in areas of activity with high potential for digital transformation, such as agriculture and telecare. The TELUS Health division, which is experiencing remarkable growth – there is talk of an impending IPO – is stepping up its acquisitions, investments and collaborations with key players in a booming environment. The goal: to enable Canadian employers to offer their employees a comprehensive range of customized virtual services and care in the areas of prevention, physical and mental health, occupational health and well-being.

24 hours a day, seven days a week

Thanks to its digital expertise, the robustness of its infrastructures and the reliability of its communication network, the TELUS Health Virtual Care solution allows members of its various programs to access healthcare professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Care and services include medical advice on health and prevention, diagnosis and primary care, virtual consultations with healthcare professionals, referral to specialist physicians, and mental health support. The offer is rounded off by the issuance of prescriptions and requirements for imaging processes and laboratory analyses.

For countless workers, the pandemic has highlighted the benefits of virtual care, and many today want continued access to it. “When we know that 96% of Canadians believe virtual care should be a permanent option and that 67% of Millennials specifically request it from their employer, we understand that virtual healthcare solutions are now essential. , explains Danny Serraglio, vice president, sales and marketing, TELUS Health Virtual Care. The pandemic has reduced the number and frequency of contacts between people, and the services offered online have grown significantly. In this context, people had no choice but to turn to digital and this allowed them to see that this type of service met their needs. Demand for virtual care continues to grow, making telecare a central part of the company’s development strategy. »

Employers who have chosen to add virtual healthcare to their portfolio of services are making a real difference when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. “Access to telecare is clearly having a significant impact on the overall well-being of workers,” continues Mr. Serraglio. They appreciate that their employer cares about their physical and mental health. »

The advantages of a personalized solution

The range of services offered by TELUS Health goes beyond primary care and represents a truly integrated solution, supported by a national network of care centers. This digital tool helps organizations not only improve the health and well-being of their employees, but also increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and incidental costs. Not to mention the HR advantage in the context of the labor shortage.

The approach, it must be said, is friendly and focuses on empathy and human relationships. “We offer employees and their families a single point of entry that offers them a personalized healthcare experience,” explains Danny Serraglio. When you access the platform, you will be greeted by a nurse with whom you will have an initial interaction in minutes. Then, depending on the severity of the situation, a nursing service intervenes online to provide advice, make a diagnosis or refer the person to a specialist. What sets us apart is the very personal human interaction that takes place at every step, unlike automated systems. We attach great importance to prevention so that people can develop a healthy lifestyle and stay healthy for a long time. »

Mental health, a major concern

A survey conducted by the Conference Board of Canada in conjunction with TELUS Health found that 77% of workers are willing to leave their employer to join an organization that offers better wellness support, even if the salary is lower. Of those surveyed, 67%, or around two out of three workers, make use of the mental health services provided by their employer. In fact, mental health is one of the top three reasons members visit TELUS Health.

“With the pandemic, more than half of Canadians are struggling with mental health issues or burnout,” says Danny Serraglio. We offer specialized digital therapy on our platform based on a self-managed and supervised model. Multiple modules allow counselors to take charge of themselves and manage issues such as stress, depression, insomnia, and more. Even the fear of youth can be combated. »

What sets us apart is the very personal human interaction that takes place at every step, unlike automated systems.

The Conference Board of Canada survey, conducted in November 2021, also found that flexible working hours and telecommuting are considered essential by 65% ​​and 72% of workers, respectively. One thing is certain: personalization, whether it’s in benefits or choice of work place, can not only enable employees to thrive and recover when they’ve been ill, but also focus on preventative health activities.

A corporate clientele

In Quebec, TELUS Health’s marketing efforts are currently focused on the business world and it is the organizations that join the platform that provide their employees with access to the various services. The latter also adapt very well to Telecare. “Young adult professionals are the demographic that values ​​our virtual care offering the most,” says Danny Serraglio. However, our platform is easily accessible to anyone who has a computer, tablet or smartphone and knows how to surf the web or communicate via email. He adds that after users have discovered the simplicity and ease of use of the service and see that they can avoid traveling or hours of waiting in the emergency room, they are convinced and want to continue with this formula.

“In an increasingly competitive business environment, the ability to meet the needs of employees has tangible benefits for businesses and employees alike,” concludes Danny Serraglio. It’s a winning formula for everyone, because you have to be in good health to have an impact on the development of mentalities and the society in which you live. »

Learn more :

TELUS Health is a global healthcare company providing preventative care and wellness solutions for employees and their families. In addition to providing unparalleled customer service to more than 50 million people, the TELUS team and 100,000 other healthcare professionals rely on TELUS digital capabilities and data analysis tools to improve outcomes in curative, preventive and mental health care around the world .

This content was created by Le Devoir’s special publishing team in collaboration with the advertiser. The Le Devoir editorial team had no role in the creation of this content.

To learn more about it TELUS health

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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