Statement by the Prime Minister on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued the following statement today on International Day of People with Disabilities:

“To build a fair, inclusive and accessible world, we must first act here, at home. Here today International Day of People with DisabilitiesWe renew our commitment to a barrier-free future in which all people with disabilities are treated with dignity and respect and have equal opportunities to thrive.

“One in four Canadians lives with a disability – disabilities that are often invisible. Working-age Canadians with disabilities are almost twice as likely to have low income. This is unacceptable and that is why we launched this last year Disability Inclusion Action Plan in Canada. This historic plan focuses on change and aims to make Canada more inclusive and improve the lives of people with disabilities. Through concrete programs and policies and important investments, this plan will help these people achieve financial security, find and keep good jobs, and fully participate in their communities.

“We are implementing those too Canada disability pension, which provides direct support to low-income, working-age Canadians with disabilities. There are different forms of disabilities and therefore there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why Canadians can now explain their unique perspectives throughOnline engagement tool for the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations. We created that too Economic Council for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities, to ensure that workplaces are accessible and inclusive and that employees with disabilities can fully participate in their workplace. We will continue to work with disability groups, provinces and territories, and organizations across Canada to improve accessibility across the country and leave no one behind.

“This idea – leaving no one behind – is also at the heart of Canada’s efforts to promote a fairer and more inclusive world. The rights of people with disabilities are human rights and Canada will continue to advocate vigorously for these rights in international fora, including the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

“We are committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have equal opportunities to fully contribute, succeed and thrive. Today and every day, I encourage Canadians to explore how they can promote inclusion and equality in their communities and across the country. Let us strive together to make our country better and more inclusive for the benefit of all. »

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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