Serge Savard skins Marc Bergevin

Serge Savard had no hesitation in criticizing the treatment of former Montreal Canadiens players during general manager Marc Bergevin’s tenure.

“Alumni, we had a difficult time with Marc Bergevin,” said the 76-year-old on Tuesday on the sidelines of the third Serge Savard Invitational, a charity event at Le Mirage Golf Club.

“He [Bergevin] didn’t want anyone in the room [des joueurs]. To get to the alumni room, you had to make a detour via the press room.

Savard, who played 15 seasons in a Habs uniform, recalled enjoying working with former players while playing in the National League.

“When I was a player and there were guys picking us up in the dressing room after games, we were happy. Marcel Bonin visited us every time he visited a game in the forum. It’s something you don’t see anymore.”

However, the former star defender said he was optimistic the situation was changing with the new regime put in place after Bergevin’s sacking last November.

“The Canadian has [récemment] three new ambassadors appointed. Chantal Machabee [la vice-présidente Communications Hockey du CH] has made it a priority and understands the situation of the alumni. I think it will get better.”

This isn’t the first time Savard has attacked Bergevin. Ironically, Savard had played a role in hiring Bergevin as CEO in 2012, who had worked with Geoff Molson to choose Pierre Gauthier’s successor. The ex, number 18, says he tried chatting with Bergevin a couple of times afterwards without ever getting a call back.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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