Profile: Canadian Prime Minister is looking for a boyfriend

Rarely could a visit from a foreign dignitary come at a better time for Prime Minister Trudeau.

Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit was like a godsend for Justin Trudeau, who was immersed in the turmoil of the Indian crisis.

A global star who inspires respect, embodies courage AND who can’t complain about Canada is rare these days.

This is not trivial. President Zelensky recalled this.

Canadian ideals save lives in Ukraine.

A quick clarification in the international context, where we have the impression that when Canada comes back, it is more likely to be back to square one.

  • Listen to the political meeting between Latraverse and Abdelfadel with Emmanuelle Latraverse QUB radio :
Short view

Sidelined by China, in the dock of India, excluded from the recent strategic pact with Britain, Australia and the United States, hostage with no allies from Meta, Canada seems very isolated these days.

Before authorizing the arrest of the Chinese high-tech princess at Vancouver airport, had we thought about the possible reaction of a China already accustomed to hostage-taking diplomacy?

Without the foreign interference scandal, would the Prime Minister have stood up in the House of Commons and accused India of complicity in the murder?

Wouldn’t the deplorable state of the Canadian Armed Forces eventually catch up with us if we fund progressive programs that pay political dividends?

Shouldn’t Meta’s threats to block news in Canada have been taken seriously?

Like a game of chess, a cautious government could have foreseen these moves.

In each of these cases, Canada instead found itself in the unfortunate position of being punished to serve as a warning to the rest of the world.

China dictates its terms. India will no longer be intimidated. The United States is fed up with Canada’s underfunding of the military. Meta will not hesitate to take the press hostage to enforce his law.

Virtue and realpolitik

If there’s one thing we can’t blame the Trudeau government for, it’s that it lacks principles.

In the Meng Wanzhou case, he respected the rule of law, the letter of the extradition rules with the United States.

  • Listen to Yasmine Abdelfadel’s editorial broadcast live every day at 2 p.m. 30 over QUB radio :

Faced with the potential for shameful abuses by a nationalist India seeking to settle scores on our territory, he denounced the unacceptable.

Confronted with a digital giant behaving like a gangster, he signaled the end of the break.

But the problem is that politics is not a fairy tale. Prince Charming doesn’t exist. The virtuous rarely wins.

As the architect of realpolitik, Otto von Bismarck, so aptly said: “The only sensible basic principle for a large state is state egoism, not romanticism.” »

However, we feel that the Trudeau government has never gone beyond its romantic ideals. That of a moderate Canada that spreads good in the world through its moderation and principles.

To quote Bismarck: By allowing his ideals to guide him on the international stage, he forgot that “in politics you have to take the right path, you’re sure not to meet anyone.”

In 2015, Justin Trudeau was celebrated for his courage. in 2024, he will be criticized for reaping what he sowed.

Earl Bishop

Thinker. Professional social media fanatic. Introvert. Web evangelist. Total pop culture fan.

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