No car in the third link

According to the Journal de Québec and later confirmed by Le Devoir and Radio-Canada, the provincial government ticked the option for cars to use the Québec-Lévis Tunnel. The third link will therefore be entirely dedicated to public transport.

Quebec Transport Minister Geneviève Guilbault will make the announcement during an update on the project Thursday afternoon, according to the Journal de Québec.

The Quebecor newspaper reports that Quebec has abandoned the idea of ​​building a highway tunnel because of recent traffic data it has compiled. Due to the pandemic and teleworking, travel times between Quebec and Lévis have decreased significantly, no longer justifying the addition of a new inter-coastal road link.

Additionally, due to the abandonment of a road link, the Quebec-Lévis tunnel would have only one tube reserved for public transport. According to the Journal de Québec, the provincial government has not yet determined the mode of transport, the expansion of the Québec-Lévis tram network or the bus, that will allow residents of the region to use the Québec-Lévis tunnel.

Political Reactions

Through Alexandre Boudreau-Forgues, his press attaché, the mayor of Lévis, Gilles Lehouillier, let it be known that he would not comment on the third link’s file pending the government’s announcement. In recent weeks, the first citizen of Lévis, a passionate supporter of the third link for years, has reiterated his support for a new link based on road lanes and reserved for public transport.

For his part, Quebec Conservative Party leader Éric Duhaime sharply attacked the CAQ government. During the last campaign, the Conservatives advocated building a bridge along the Île d’Orléans axis to connect the roads on both banks.

“The CAQ just betrayed the trust of the people of Quebec. François Legault votes for Montreal chroniclers rather than Quebec voters. How many Caquiste deputies from the Capitale-Nationale and the Chaudière-Appalaches, who were elected on the basis of lies, will now leave the caucus?” Mr. Duhaime explained on his Facebook page.

Celebrations among opponents

The coalition no to the third party believes that this is “a wise decision by the government and an important victory for the mobilization”. Remember that this coalition was launched in May 2021 by Accès Transports Viables, the Regional Council for the Environment – Capitale-Nationale region, Équiterre, the David Suzuki Foundation, Trajectoire Québec and Vivre en Ville.

“We look forward to learning more and studying the new proposal in detail, but one thing is certain: if the information is proven and the government abandons the third link highway section, it is not only a good decision, it is above all a good one Great victory for mobilizing the population, organizations, experts and all members of civil society who have been arguing over the years about the catastrophic impact this project would have had!” coalition members said no to the third link.

Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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