Maximising the performance of the internal audit function

In this webcast, our panel of technical experts and the President of KPMG CLCA first provided a general overview of the new international standards of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) published on January 9, 2024. The discussion focused on key developments and their impact on the internal audit function and the organization as a whole, as well as their relevance for the board.

Next, we discussed this new regulation, which focuses on foresight, foresight and oversight, and its impact on the important role that the internal audit function plays in the organization’s strategy and the success of its implementation. This is in addition to internal audit’s existing obligations to ensure organizational compliance and act as the first line of defense.

Finally, the speakers presented key ideas to help boards and members of management effectively use their internal audit function, whether to address emerging risks (ESG factors, artificial intelligence and others) or to fulfill their governance mandate.

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Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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