Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire is ‘better equipped’

Marie-Ève ​​​​​​Dicaire will head into training camp for her second reunion fight full of confidence and believes she can use her defeat to Claressa Shields last year to her advantage.

The Quebecer travels to Manchester, UK to cross swords with local hero Natasha Jonas on November 12. The IBF, WBC, WBO and The Ring titles will be at stake. His clan expects to be booed, but the experience in Flint, Michigan has certainly prepared him.

There will also be a world of difference between these two fights. Due to travel restrictions, she experienced her first attempt at union only in the company of Yvon Michel and Stéphan Larouche. This time she travels to England a week before the date, and that with her whole team.

“We always say it: once you’ve experienced it, you’re always better prepared the next time,” said Dicaire confidently at a press conference in Boisbriand on Thursday. I think it was a forgotten passage, but I go on this great adventure with all my ammo.


Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) has seen several of their foals lose important fights in the UK. This time he is ensuring fair treatment as there will be a British judge, another Canadian and a final third country judge.

The champion must nevertheless prepare mentally for everything that surrounds the fight, since he will be the enemy on the day of the confrontation.

“When it comes time for boxers to get in the ring, some will be intimidated, but I know Marie is the type of boxer that will feed off that energy,” said trainer Samuel Décarie-Drolet.


Inactive since winning back her IBF title against Cynthia Lozano last December, the Quebecer said she has been taking time to recover well from the injuries that have plagued her during her recent bouts.

“We knew we needed this time to get back on our feet and be the best version of me in the biggest fights of my career,” she explained.


Called upon to compare Shields and Jonas, Dicaire also argued it will be a completely different challenge. Indeed, Shields fell a category lower when she crossed blades with Dicaire, while Jonas is more used to developing in the lower weight classes.

“These are two completely different challenges,” she said. Jonas is a left-handed boxer. She usually fights in a lower weight class, so maybe a little more speed, maybe a little less physical strength.

Either way, Dicaire will be ready. She’s hoping to achieve a dream by unifying the belts, and doing so in a city with a rich boxing history like Manchester fills her with happiness.

“A little girl from Saint-Eustache who came out of nowhere and will box for four belts in the main event in Manchester… Me, that speaks to me!”

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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