Israel-Hamas war: Despite pressure, no ceasefire request from Canada is in sight

Despite an unprecedented letter signed last Friday by 23 Liberals, among others, the Trudeau government does not appear to be moving toward a request for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, at least in the short term.

• Also read: LIVE | 17th day of the Israel-Hamas war

• Also read: Humanitarian aid reaches Gaza

At a virtual news conference on Monday in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly suggested that Canada was not there yet but that political discussions should continue.

“I hear the position of several of my colleagues. “I hear the fact that Canadians expect Canada to play a balanced role and at the same time a role based on our position, which has always been to be a constructive, friendly ally of Israel and a friend of the Palestinian people,” she explained in response to a journalist.

The letter addressed to Justin Trudeau calling for a ceasefire was signed by around thirty elected officials, mostly Liberals but also a handful of New Democrats and Greens.

  • Listen to the interview with Rachad Antonius on Yasmine Abdelfadel’s show via QUB radio :

MMe Joly highlighted the role she believes Canada can play in resuming a “political dialogue” between actors in the region.

“I think that more than ever we need to be able to talk about the need for political dialogue to create greater peace and stability […]“, emphasized the minister.

The block speaks out

With the leader of the NDP already in favor of a ceasefire, key voices in the Bloc Québécois have expressed their support for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ call for a ceasefire “so that humanitarian aid can be provided.”

The party “invites the Prime Minister of Canada to do the same.”

“It is in fact a multilateral and temporary ceasefire that must be respected by Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah,” we can read in a short press release issued by the bloc leader Yves-François Blanchet and his supporters on the issues of defense , foreign policy and people speak rights.

“If the convoys of trucks waiting in Egypt have managed to transport the food without further conditions from the belligerents, humanitarian corridors and aid distribution areas must be maintained under the supervision of NGOs without fighting or bombing to get to the destinations.” Aid to civilians and avoiding diversion of humanitarian efforts.”

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Juliet Ingram

Total web buff. Student. Tv enthusiast. Evil thinker. Travelaholic. Proud bacon guru.

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