How do young Canadians relate to data and its use by algorithms in the age of AI?

The Decode Algorithms and Data project is an initiative of digital moment The goal is to educate Canadians on how algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) data work together to build our shared reality in the digital age.

The project started with a partnership with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO). It provides opportunities for young people, educators and parents to have important conversations about data literacy. To what extent does the presence and use of data in their digital lives empower or deprive them of these powers? Curious about how the data will be used?

Why engage with young people?

Young Canadians are tomorrow’s decision makers. They absorb the techno-fear of the adults around them, who themselves may not be sure how the algorithms work. Too often young people get the message that technology can only be understood by those with advanced skills. A lack of trust can reduce curiosity, especially among those who are already marginalized and underrepresented. Too many Canadians feel daunted by their ability to make sense of data at a time when intelligent machines are making using data effectively easier and more fun.

However, young people also need to learn that AI is not magic, that there are and always will be risks, and that using and creating trustworthy AI is the responsibility of all citizens. Algorithms are increasingly present in our digital life, but often invisible. They can influence the decisions we make online and put us in a “preference bubble” by filtering search results, video recommendations or targeted advertising. In order to understand how their digital environment is constructed, it is important to learn about algorithms by reading, reflecting and talking to others to understand how they influence the way we see the world and our decisions.

The project decodes algorithms and data

The goal of the Decode algorithm and data project is to enable young people to exercise their critical thinking and become aware of their interactions so that they become proactive and creative users rather than passive consumers.

The site features videos designed to stimulate conversation and better conceptualize how intelligent machines and AI algorithms work and how we can work with them. It also directs them to educational resources to help them understand how data can be used to make real-world decisions.

For more information, visit the website:

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Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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