Guy Lafleur’s house is for sale

The sober but spacious home where Guy Lafleur and his wife have lived for two decades, northwest of Montreal, will go on sale next week for $2.5 million.

It’s more than 26 years of memories that Lise Lafleur is coming to terms with by announcing the sale of her family home on the Place du Moulin on the Île Bizard.

Photo credit: Photo Chantal Poirier

“I hope it will sell out quickly. I find it very, very difficult. I see Guy everywhere,” M breathes heavilyme La Fleur.

Guy Lafleur house

Photo credit: Photo Chantal Poirier

The latter says she feels isolated from her loved ones alone in the large white “plantation-style” house. She and her husband were also inspired by a piece of land they visited during a trip to a cotton plantation in Mississippi, United States, to build their home.

Already four months

As M. yesterdayme Lafleur, accompanied by her son Martin, opened the doors of the residence to representatives of the protocolIt was exactly four months to the day that the Canadian legend died at the age of 70 of complications from lung cancer.

“I go one day at a time. I’m in retreat from Guy and my life before that. It’s a new life, but I have no direction. I’m struggling, she introduces herself. I have to change city. Everything reminds me of my old life.”

place of silence

The 72-year-old lady is categorical: Guy’s death is the only reason she wants to get rid of her “shack house” on the shores of Lac des Deux Montagnes.

The residence will be available shortly for an amount of $2,499,000.

In the words of his wife, the former number 10 of the CH idolized this residence built in 1996, sober and humble like the idol of the people that he was.

A helipad

This one is adorned with an in-ground swimming pool and even a helipad at the end of the property. A must for helicopter pilot “Flower”.

“When we had it built it was very important that it had his helipad to land consists of Mme La Fleur. It was his true passion, as was hockey. And Guy really liked it here. He needed some rest in his busy life.”

So it’s no wonder that the many years spent within these walls are full of memories.

“When you’re 26 in one place, you develop a lot of habits. I have so many beautiful memories. Here was his oasis of calm. It was quiet, the friends who came, life outside of ice hockey…” recalls Mme La Fleur.

memories of illness

Guy Lafleur’s final years were marked by illness, sad memories for his wife.

“I can still see him at the table with all his treatment stuff,” she lets herself down, looking at the large ivory dining room table as if her “guy” is still sitting there. It was rock ‘n’ roll, those two years.

“He hasn’t had a good quality of life with the treatments,” adds one of their sons, Martin, who is stationed near his mother, whom he wanted to support through this new ordeal.

For his part, Martin sees in these places how his father is having fun with his 4-year-old daughter.

“The two loved each other very much. After all, they got to know each other,” the 47-year-old recalls happier times.

A dish that has won two Oscars

Guy Lafleur’s court was not only home to many veterans of the Canadian’s glory years, but was also the “runway” of none other than American actor and producer Michael Douglas.

The anecdote makes Lise Lafleur smile as she starts talking about the helipad that was so dear to “Guy” at the end of the courtyard, very close to Lac des Deux Montagnes.

A few years ago, the widow was busy landscaping her property when a loud noise appeared to be seriously approaching her property.

“Suddenly I see a helicopter. It was a big model. I said no ! nope ! It’s not going to land here.” When it landed, all my flower pots flew. I was discouraged,” she exaggerates.

Then the pilot got out of the plane. Before the lady’s stunned look, he launched, “Guy didn’t call you?”

And he hadn’t called her.


At that time Mme Lafleur learned that the helicopter was coming to pick up American actor and producer Michael Douglas, winner of two Academy Awards, including one as producer, and six Golden Globes.

The Hollywood star, who, like Guy Lafleur, is a friend of entrepreneur Lawrence Stroll, had just taken part in a round of golf at a nearby club.

“The guards rushed down to pick up his bags. It was something,” Lise Lafleur recalls.

“It showed what Guy was like. He never said no to a friend, even less when he had a helicopter,” she continues, laughing.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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