Contemporary Canadian Art and Technology

On Thursday, May 30, Nathalie Bachand, independent Canadian author and curator, held a conference at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in the 9th district of Budapest. The approximately hour-long speech focused on contemporary Canadian art and its connection to technology.

Nathalie Bachand is now a curator at the Sporobole Center for Contemporary Art in Sherbrooke (Quebec) and specializes in the penetration of technological developments into contemporary art. Of all his numerous exhibitions, this Thursday in Budapest was “The Dead Web – La fin”, which was presented for the first time in the Eastern Bloc (Montreal) in 2017. Born from the synergy of seven artists (Julien Boily, Julie Tremble, EVA Project (Etienne Grenier & Simon Laroche), Frédérique Laliberté, Dominique Sirois & Baron Lanteigne) consists of five works and questions the hypothetical impending disappearance of the Internet and the (Sur- )Living in a post-web era. Canadian artists involved in this edition offer material or virtual visions of a more or less near and more or less optimistic future. Among them, the depiction of Julien Boily in his painting “Memento Vastum” is extremely striking. This oil on mounted panel, inspired by the techniques of the great 17th century painters, is intended to be dark and alarming. The artist borrows techniques from the past to reveal a deadly future awash in an abyssal void.

The constant nourishment of art

Nathalie Bachand’s lecture aims to promote the initiatives of Canadian artists who are aware of the technological problems that entail a renewal of art. “Evolution” comes along and increasingly manages to complement traditional techniques and practices, creating a truly new movement with untold potential. In her intervention, the Commissioner takes stock of the creative means and results available. Everything that exists, everything that appears, from computer science to robotics, drives the mind and gives momentum to contemporary art, an infinite field of possibilities and rediscoveries. Our world of constant progress feeds the collective imagination and provides creativity to the talented and inspired.

Hugo Cellarier

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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