Christian Dubé was determined to pass his health care reform by Christmas

Quebec Health Minister Christan Dubé is calling on opposition parties to work with the government to pass Bill 15 by the end of the parliamentary session, which should theoretically end on Friday, December 8.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Mr. Dubé appeared determined to push through his health system reform before Christmas. However, only 60 hours of study are scheduled in committee by the end of the session, and several hundred articles have not yet been discussed.

The Minister of Health therefore invites the oppositions who have done this worked very well together So far, to move up a gear. I think we have solved most of the major problemshe estimated on Tuesday. We worked on it for six months.

In his opinion, only two important aspects of the bill remain to be carefully examined, namely those affecting medical professionals and union leadership. The other articles would mainly be articles from concordance The aim is to prevent the legislative part from contradicting other laws.

In order to achieve his goals, Mr. Dubé presented on Tuesday a game schedule for the next three weeks, which provides for a “block” analysis of the articles that the commission members have not yet examined. According to him, this calendar realistic and will be enough to pass his reform.

Complete the study of Bill 15 in 60 hours. We are capable of this, Minister Dubé started optimistically on Tuesday. However, he refused to say whether his government would be willing to use a gag order if it were wrong.

Since the text was presented to the National Assembly in March, the committee has spent no less than 180 hours on this dossier, he emphasized. One hundred and eighty hours for one bill is huge.

Asked about the issue, opposition representatives estimated on Tuesday that it would be difficult to complete the consideration of the legislative document in the allotted time. After all, half of the largest bill in Quebec history has not yet been analyzed, noted Liberal André Fortin.

For his part, Solidarity MP Guillaume Cliche-Rivard – who replaced Vincent Marissal on the matter – admitted that he would not do so unable read 400 articles in one week as provided for in the Minister’s “game plan”. In his opinion, this calendar is simply not there not realistic.

Bill 15 contains more than 1000 articles. In particular, it provides for the creation of an agency called “Santé Québec”, which will be entrusted with managing the operation of the public network, allowing the ministry to concentrate on its main tasks.

However, the text is facing some resistance, particularly from six former prime ministers who fear for the ability of certain institutions’ foundations to continue collecting charitable donations.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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