Carlos Leitao will leave politics

He says he’s keeping a promise he made to his wife in 2014.

The active policy is terminated. I had made a commitment to my wife to serve only two terms. »

A quote from Carlos Leitao, member of the Liberal Party of Quebec

The member adds that his decision was made a long time ago.

However, he intends to remain involved in the political debate, first by contributing to the development of the Liberal Party’s election manifesto and then by commenting on current events.

Inside the National Assembly there is a more formal framework and outside there are more things I can sayhe confides, implying that he wants to regain some freedom of speech.

The austerity minister?

Carlos Leitao was finance minister for just over four years, between 2014 and 2018, a period of austerity or fiscal discipline, depending on your perspective.

I am very proud of the work we have done. »

A quote from Carlos Leitao

Unsurprisingly, the former minister prefers the term strictness. I would say that I was the minister of austerity to straighten out and put public finances back in order. We left Quebec very well equipped to deal with the pandemiche says.

He also defends the decisions taken at the time, in particular the reform of certain structures in the health network, as well as the creation of Integrated Health and Social Services Centers (CISSS), a revision important and necessaryAccording to him.

a big regret

Carlos Leitao mainly regrets his inability to spearhead tax reform.

In 2015, the Godbout Report proposed lowering Quebecers’ taxes and raising tariffs and taxes. A proofaccording to the former minister, but a failure because he failed to persuade the opposition parties to go ahead.

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Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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