Humbly, I have watched you throughout your political process for several years. You’ve long made me feel like you embody what might lead us to believe we’re still counting on people hired for the right reason. I acknowledge that you have been doing this for a number of years, or at least seem to be doing so, an implication I welcome and welcome.
As proof, I voted for you and many of us did, either as mayor or as vice presidents. I, like many others, always believed in your genuine dedication, tactical intelligence and judgment to sense where “not to go”. At least you seemed to know the pitfalls.
Unfortunately, in the last few months, besides the result that we now know, it has to be said that you had a big “spasm” in the brain by supporting Jean Charest instead of being yourself. , a ”Robin Hood”. I haven’t had the courage to write to you about it yet. I said to myself: “He will wake up and turn the tide, he cannot sacrifice so many years of work to gain political credibility for such a venture.” He would have to resign loudly and, at worst, resign as a member of the party.
Unfortunately, what you’re doing now (we’ll make no mistake) is too late in my opinion to try to “save” the cards you still have in your deck. I’m sorry, and I’m sorry for you “, dear sir, but you really believed that with croupier Jean Charest at the table you already benefited from a “full aces” and risked being eligible for ministerial? That’s the grace I would have wished you under Mr. Poilievre. But there is a “hiccup”, it would still be necessary for him to pick you after you resign, impossible. Besides, and therein lies the “big catch”, the Conservatives would still have had to be elected. Finally, and there, again hook, hook and Hook monumental, would you need to be re-elected right here? As an independent, “unserving” opportunist, are you trying to have us believe it could be? Once again, I’m sad, disappointed, but still compassionate for you… But like me and many others are wi r people, we make mistakes, I’ve made some myself, I’ve seen myself in the mirror and I’ve accepted. So I wish you to do it with serenity, you sincerely deserve it… So take a “break” and come back with a fresh approach… No? It would be worthy of you… And it would save you further humiliation… God knows I hope I’m wrong, but it could go like this:
I’m saying this, I’m just a little two of spades picker. But Mr. Rayes, get out your fancy skates, because many, like me, will remember your recent failed attempt to achieve a double axel in the next election… Never forget that in the polling booth the spades are Two (the highest card, the weakest in the game) which I am when combined with a neighbor, three of spades, four of spades, five of spades and finally six of spades makes a “straight flush” which is your surpasses the supposed “full in Assen”. I tell you, in all humility, compassionate, not partial…
To say all this to you, dear friends who have agreed to read me so far, I make the following wish: I wish for the next elections to have a blue or red minority government in Ottawa (doesn’t matter), but with as many riders as possible in Quebec for the bloc to have a strong balance of power. I know, I know, the bloc will never gain official power in Canada, but if we strategically and intelligently gave it the power it deserves and that the Quebecers of Ottawa deserve as a founding people while we, why not, remain full citizens . Why not start with us in Arthabaska? I urge the leader of the bloc to elect a “strong candidate” in Arthabaska… It could be, shall we say, tolerable.
Michael Lavaoie
Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.