A nurse who has performed a religious ritual without consent will be sanctioned

A BC nurse has been suspended for 4 months and must undergo refresher training in June 2021 after performing a religious ritual in public without a patient’s informed consent and in disregard for her Indigenous heritage.

Last Friday, a panel of the College of Nurses and Midwives Inquiry Committee approved a settlement between the college and the nurse.

According to this agreement, the nurse’s license will be suspended for 4 months. He will also be forbidden from practicing without supervision for a year, during which time he will be supervised at work.

In addition, the caregiver must complete refresher training on ethics, adapted healthcare for traumatized people, and cultural safety and humility.

The exact nature of the ritual that was performed is not detailed in the information published on the College of Nurses and Midwives of British Columbia website.

In May 2021, four of British Columbia’s largest health care colleges apologized to indigenous peoples who had experienced racism.

The colleges of doctors, pharmacists, dentists, nurses and midwives have recognized that stereotypes, discrimination and racism towards Aboriginal people fuel fears about the health system.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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