A Canadian delegation visits Saint-Pierre and Miquelon on mental health

Get inspiration from your neighbor’s devices to improve your own healthcare offering. This is the idea of ​​a meeting with a Canadian delegation visiting Saint-Pierre and Miquelon on health issues.

Several missionaries from Canada’s Atlantic Provinces came to Saint-Pierre. On the one hand, they wanted to observe health-related working practices on French territory. And on the other hand, to share their operation. All this at the service of the French-speaking community.

Also read: World Mental Health Day: what actions in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon?

Among the professionals attending these meetings at CACIMA. Barbara Losier, executive director of the Acadian Healthy Communities Movement in New Brunswick.

Adrien Develay and Antoine Joubeau interviewed her at the end of the mental health workshop.


One of the ideas presented during these workshops: Training for educators (0-6 years old) to raise their awareness of the importance of promoting positive body image in young children.

We see that there are many similarities between Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and the work we do in our provinces. These are small communities that we work with that have very specific problems.

Pierre-Louis Roisné, Director of the French Health Network in Nova Scotia.

To delve deeper into the subject, two members of this Canadian delegation were guests in the Wednesday 12 October newspaper presented by Viviane Dauphoud-Eddos. Jacqueline Higgins, Director of the French Health Network in Newfoundland and Labrador, and Pierre-Louis Roisné, Director of the French Health Network in Nova Scotia.


Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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