At ETS, Montreal’s engineering school, French graduate students are welcomed with open arms

This engineering school recruits French students from BUT (new name of the DUT). An opportunity for those who want to see the country.

“What makes it special is that everyone can choose the lesson times that best suit their level or schedule. For example, a student may want their math class at the end of the day so they can do their student work in the morning or participate in extracurricular activities such as school. B. Participate in one of our 30 technology clubs., explains Tanguy Bantas, Director of the International Relations Department of ETS. That is the real capital of the school: flexibility. Would you like to study at an engineering school on the other side of the Atlantic? In Montreal, Quebec, the School of Higher Technology (ETS)) offers three distinct cycles: the four-year engineering cycle, leading to an engineering degree, followed by a master’s degree (the equivalent of a master’s degree in France) spread over two years. Students can also apply to prepare for their doctorate, again for four years. Courses that allow you to specialize in the fields of civil engineering, electrical engineering, software, mechanics, logistics, automated production or information technology. The ETS has a total of 11,000 students. Of these, 30% are international. And the French seem particularly fond of the facility, as they are said to be registered there in 1300.

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“What’s special is that everyone can choose the lesson times that best suit their level or schedule.”Tanguy Bantas, Director of the International Relations Department of ETS

The pedagogy of the Québec school is very different from that in France. 1100 students graduate each year. Students are divided into classes of 35 to 45 students. Courses are divided into three categories: the common core courses offered in the 7 majors, the courses intended for students in each major, and the elective courses, intended for students in Year 3 and up to suit all students. “It requires a lot of autonomy from our students. But they are very well managed. They mature quickly.”

An average of 11.5/20 in GOAL is enough

How do I apply for ETS? A prerequisite for the application is a previously completed university Bachelor of Technology (BUT). “We have an agreement with the French IUTs and the training they offer best corresponds to the technical level that we expect for the start of the first development cycle.”, specifies Tanguy Bantas. In total, the school pays attention to 14 different GOALS. The ABER mechanical engineering and production engineering, electrical engineering and industrial computing or computer science are part of a large number of applications every year. “Admission is by file that is filled out online. We consult the transcripts and in particular look at the general average at GOAL. We do not accept students with an average below 11.5/20.” There is no limit to places. As long as the profiles can meet the expectations of the ETS, the candidates have their chances. However, the prerequisite for applying for a master’s degree is an engineering degree.

Training recognized by Engineers Canada

The engineering school recruits year-round. It offers a re-entry in September and one in January. For students starting masters and doctorate, they can also return in May. ETS training courses are recognised. They are accredited by Engineers Canada, a regulated organization, but also by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. The quality of these diplomas makes it easy for students to return to France afterwards to start their careers. “Even if some stay in Canada for a first job, it remains important to us that young people return to develop their country and help Canadian companies develop in France.”notes the Director of the Department of International Relations.

Count on 7300 euros in tuition fees per year

The ETS is a public institution that is part of the University of Quebec. It has the particularity of having both university and school status. A year’s bachelor’s degree costs 10,000 Canadian dollars, the equivalent of 7,300 euros. Tuition fees are significantly cheaper for master’s and doctoral studies. For two years, students have to pay 5,000 Canadian dollars. However, to help young people pay for their studies, the ETS requires a “cooperative education”, which is similar to alternation. Young people spend 4 months full-time in a company every year. “It’s the equivalent of a full salary CDD”, specifies Tanguy Bantas. For a first internship, the students earn a total of 14,000 Canadian dollars. In their final years of college, they receive $16,000 Canadian. “At the end of their studies, the students have gained 12 months of professional experience”. The internships are selected by a competent department within the school, comprising 40 staff, 20 of whom are dedicated to finding these contracts with companies. The interviews then take place on campus. “It surprises but reassures French students who are not used to this system.” An innovative pedagogy in a multicultural country. Something to pique the curiosity of some.

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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