TVA Sports and Pure Laine: Michael Hage and the Canadian will never be Quebecois enough

For several years, Quebec media, including TVA Sports, have criticized the Montreal Canadiens for their alleged lack of Quebec players in their roster.

The lack of Quebecers among the players drafted by the CH is a major topic of discussion. Read this column by

@jnblanchetJDQ on TVA Sports

This smear campaign reaches a new height of absurdity with the recent criticism of the draft of Michael Hage, the Canadiens’ 21st pick in the last draft.

Michael Hage, a talented young player who grew up in Montreal with parents of Lebanese descent from Quebec, spoke in French during his interview with Renaud Lavoie of TVA Sports.

He explained that his parents are huge Habs fans, but that doesn’t seem to be enough in the eyes of some media and fans in Quebec.

This situation raises an important question: What exactly is a Quebec player?

The definition of the “Quebec player”: A question of identity

It seems that for some, a Quebec player must meet very specific and limited criteria.

Does it have to have a French-sounding name to be accepted?

Does he have to be white to be considered a true Quebecois?

This narrow vision of Quebec’s identity is not only discriminatory, it also ignores the cultural diversity that makes Quebec rich.

Although Michael Hage has a name of foreign origin, he grew up between Quebec and Ontario, speaks fluent French and shares a deep passion for the Montreal Canadiens.

Nevertheless, his inclusion in the French-speaking community does not seem to satisfy those who demand more “pure wool” in the cast.

This smear campaign by media outlets like TVA Sports is not only unfair, but also contributes to fueling unnecessary divisions.

The Montreal Canadiens, like any professional hockey team, must prioritize the talent and potential of their players, regardless of their background or last name.

It’s time to put things into perspective.

The success of a team is based not only on the background of its players, but also on their ability to play as a team, perform under pressure and proudly represent their club and city.

By insisting on restrictive identity criteria, the Quebec media misses the essential point: the love of hockey and the pride of seeing young talents, whether of Lebanese, French or other origin, wearing the colours of the Montreal Canadiens.

It is crucial that the Quebec media review its approach and stop criticizing the Montreal Canadiens on superficial and discriminatory grounds.

The true spirit of Quebec lies in inclusion, diversity and passion for sport.

Michael Hage is a great example of this diversity and deserves to be celebrated for his skills and love of hockey, not his name or background.

If TVA Sports and other media outlets continue down this path, they risk dividing rather than uniting hockey fans in Quebec.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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