The Loire by bike | Twice as many tourists on the cycle path in 2022

(Tours) More than 1.8 million cyclists will have cycled the Loire in 2022, according to a study by the Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire regions published in Tours on Wednesday.

The number of visitors on this section of the EurovéloRoute 6, which connects the Atlantic with the Black Sea, has doubled compared to the last study from 2015.

“The annual growth rate is between 10 and 15%. “It’s extraordinary,” said the President of the Centre-Val de Loire region, François Bonneau, at a press conference, saying that cycle tourists come to “relieve the pressure” and “reconnect with nature”.

According to the study with 14,745 cyclists, between March and November 2022, a tourist spends an average of 69 euros per day on La Loire à vélo.

The economic benefit is estimated at 54.5 million euros for the year 2022. “That’s +84% compared to the last study from 2015.” Engine of industrial development. And that proves that we can balance environmental and industrial challenges,” said the Socialist-elect.

An observation shared by many tourism professionals, such as Pierre Lambin, founder and director of Cheverny Voyage: “Our company has refocused on the cycle tourism professions, which was not initially our project.” Our bicycle fleet is over […] from a dozen bikes to 800 today,” confirmed the company boss.

Andrea Hunt

Twitter enthusiast. Organizer. Explorer. Reader. Zombie aficionado. Tv specialist. Thinker. Incurable internet maven.

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