The French, bad students of cybersecurity

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According to a comparative study conducted in France, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and the United States, most French citizens and employees have never benefited from computer security training. This “cyberculture” of risk they lack makes them more vulnerable to incessant web ransomware attacks.

The risks of cyber attacks have never been so high for companies and individuals around the worlda new study commissioned by French polling firm Ipsos Terranova security companya global specialist in cybersecurity training and awareness, reveals that “ 62% of the French have never received training to protect themselves against computer attacks “.

In comparison, respondents in the UK, Canada, Australia and the US are 47% well educated on average. The role of small or large companies in raising public awareness of cybersecurity issues is crucial, this study shows. Dalila Ben Attia, General Manager of Terranova Security France, also tells us about the nursing staff of French hospitals, whose work equipment is regularly blocked by ransom demands.

Hacker attacks are not just limited to companies »

For 20 years, Terranova Security has been supporting companies and organizations in making the behavior of digital users “cyber-healthy”. That is, having that minimum level of security hygiene that would allow any person to resist computer attacks “, She explains. ” Training on the challenges of cybersecurity is fundamental in this case. For example, if we look at areas of activity that are subject to strict compliance with legal regulations, such as insurance or banking, they are mandatory for all employees. Today, however, hacker attacks are not only limited to companies, but are indiscriminately aimed at individuals and groups of people from civil society by attacking associations or even public administrations.. »

Then Delilah Ben Attia continues: “ Identifying public interest and support for cybersecurity awareness was the aim of this study, conducted internationally with Ipsos. Some sectors, such as Hospitals, for example, find it difficult to set up this training for their staff. The reason is simple: your job of urgently addressing patient needs leaves little or no time to conduct this type of training. However, these trainings have become crucial for healthcare facilities in France that face constant ransomware attacks. ‘ she underscores, adding: ‘ It is important that healthcare facility governing bodies schedule training time for their staff and help them gain this awareness of cyber risks, particularly by using teaching methods different from those currently used in organizations. »

Good practices that are rarely followed

One of the other obstacles in France to developing a general cyber risk culture seems to be a lack of communication between users of digital systems and IT managers. Less than a quarter of respondents in France said they share their best practices with their colleagues or even talk to their company’s IT managers about their cybersecurity issues.

A lack of training and information that gives France the fool’s cap of cybersecurity, according to the results of the Ipsos survey. A poor result that is ten points below the world average for developed countries.

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Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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