The FIQ calls for a law on the health care professional-patient relationship

The union urges political parties to take action on this issue. The key figures are a structuring measure that allows us to catch our breath. The Nurse/Patient Ratio is a mandatory standard that is applicable everywhere in order to have complete and competent nursing teams at all times. This law would provide the impetus needed to attract and retain health professionals in the public health network. then mentioned the President of the FIQ, Julie Bouchard.

Added to this is the abolition of mandatory overtime, which President Julie Bouchard says has exploded.

We repeat it in all stands, she continues. the TSO and poor working conditions are forcing many healthcare professionals to resign or even leave the public network. With a quota law, we would contribute in particular to solving the problem of forced overtime and thus promoting the recruitment and retention of staff. It’s also a great way to end the lewd appeal to private staffing agencies. With a law on quotas, the next government has the opportunity to offer the population safe and high-quality care.

Ms Bouchard added that the demands made at Saturday’s press conference are the same as four years ago.

I describe the healthcare system as the sinking Titanic, managers and government departments playing fiddle instead of taking concrete action to save lives. »

A quote from Julie Bouchard, President of the FIQ

The union also wants the creation of places in early childhood education, commitments to fight against systemic racism and action on climate change.

The situation in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean is just as critical as elsewhere in the province.

FIQ regional leader Julie Boivin hopes the party, which will be elected on October 3, will take concrete action to help workers.

It’s really yo-yo management, says Ms. Boivin. Once an emergency arises, solutions are implemented sporadically, but these are not permanent.

Julie Bouchard and Julie Boivin used the press conference to invite the various candidates to visit a care facility to find out about the reality on the ground.

According to Philippe L’Heureux.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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