The Dawson Trail begins its interpretive and artistic journey

Artist and founder of the Dawson Road Arts Trail, Pierrette Sherwood, is pleased with the start. A total of 15 markers and a number of art exhibits have been installed along the Dawson Trail.

Starting at Lac des Bois, we continue 150 kilometers to Saint-Boniface, where the trail’s original western terminus is located.She explains.

Among the people who came to celebrate the official opening of the path, Denis Bertatlette had come to highlight his Métis origins and to find the path taken by his paternal ancestor.

It’s nice to visit the local communities. It warms my heart to see young people getting involved, listening to Métis music and wearing contemporary clothing.he says.

He also sees it as an opportunity to educate young people about Aboriginal reality. This is the best way for the new generation to understand the way of life and the difficulties we had with boarding schools.

For her part, President of the Dawson Trail Museum, Yvonne Fontaine Godard, reminds us that the Dawson Trail has more than 150 years of history.

We celebrate the people who worked on Dawson Road, we celebrate our ancestors who came here and we celebrate for the futureshe emphasizes.

According to Yvonne Fontaine Godard, in addition to its great tourist value, the municipality also wants to pass on the cultural heritage that the path represents. It opens doors for all generations. […] The future, we are here today, the past is here today and we will move on.

With information from Jean-François Morin

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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