The Canadian team with the most series won since 2009 is not what you think

The National Hockey League (NHL) playoffs are in full swing and some teams have taken a liking to them in recent years, which is not the case with the Canadian, who can however boast of dominance in a certain point.

In fact, the NHLs won the Stanley Cup and won two duels in the playoffs in 2010 and 2014. The other duels that benefited Montreal are the first round in 2015 against the Ottawa Senators and the 2020 qualifying round against the Pittsburgh Penguins.

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Behind the Bleu-Blanc-Rouge, the Vancouver Canucks are in second place in the country with eight series wins, including this year against the Nashville Predators. They are followed by the Edmonton Oilers (six), Calgary Flames (three), Senators (three), Winnipeg Jets (three) and Toronto Maple Leafs (one). They continue to struggle in postseason play, having eliminated only one team in the playoffs since 2004, the Tampa Bay Lightning in the first round last year.

The Canadian’s numerous exclusions, including the three most recent, put him far from the leaders of the Bettman Round. As the CH’s 2021 Finals exit, the Lightning are at the top with 20 series won, ahead of the Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks and Pittsburgh Penguins with 17 each.

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Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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