The Canadian embassy in China says it has been censored on social media

BEIJING, China – The Canadian embassy in Beijing says censors have removed their posts on a United Nations report on human rights in Xinjiang from two Chinese social media platforms.

The embassy wrote on Twitter that it had shared Canada’s response to the report on the Weibo and WeChat platforms, but that those posts had been deleted.

The report released on Wednesday said China’s treatment of Muslim minorities in western Xinjiang province could constitute a crime against humanity.

The Embassy of Canada shared screenshots of Chinese-language posts on their Weibo and WeChat accounts.

These are word-for-word translations of Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly’s English response to the report. Ms Joly had said her findings reflect “credible accounts of gross human rights abuses in Xinjiang.”

The UN report says the international community needs “urgent attention” to address the human rights situation in the province.

This story was prepared with financial support for the News from Meta Exchanges and The Canadian Press.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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