The Breakfast Club launches what it calls a crucial fundraiser

The goal of the club and its partners is to help hundreds of thousands of children in Canada start their day with a complete and nutritious breakfast through September 30th. (Photo: The Canadian Press)

The Breakfast Club of Canada is launching a back-to-school fundraiser on Tuesday, which it believes is critical to meeting the growing demand for school feeding programs.

The goal of the club and its partners is to help hundreds of thousands of children in Canada start their day with a complete and nutritious breakfast through September 30th.

Recent data from Statistics Canada, cited by the Breakfast Club of Canada, shows that 1.8 million children were living in nutritionally insecure households in 2022, up 400,000 from the year before.

Tommy Kulczyk, President and CEO of The Breakfast Club, notes that there is currently a tide of obstacles that are leading more schools to want to offer their students a nutritious breakfast. However, he pointed out that the club’s budget only allows existing programs to be maintained during the school year and very few new programs can be introduced.

As an example, the club notes that a $10 donation will enable 20 breakfasts to be distributed.

The charity claims that schoolchildren who have enjoyed a rich and nutritious breakfast can have a positive impact on their learning abilities and academic performance. The programs also promote reliable access to nutritious and varied foods, develop a sense of community and belonging, improve students’ mental health, well-being, mood and behavior, and create a caring and inclusive environment.

Tyrone Hodgson

Incurable food practitioner. Tv lover. Award-winning social media maven. Internet guru. Travel aficionado.

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