Statement by the Prime Minister on Small Business Week

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the following statement today on the occasion of Small Business Week, which takes place from October 16-22, 2022:

“Today is the starting signal for the Small business weekgiving us the opportunity to celebrate the creativity, dedication and innovation of Canadian entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized business owners.

“Whether it’s that neighborhood grocery store you go to every weekend, the coffee shops you pass by on the way to work, or that corner grocery store that seems to be open all the time, small businesses are that Heart of our communities and form the backbone of our economy. They provide us with the goods and services we need and provide jobs for more than 10 million citizens across the country.

“Over the past two years, when small business owners have faced many challenges, we have stepped up to support them. We will continue to work with them to provide them with what they need to grow and thrive. Successful small businesses fuel our economy, create jobs and contribute to the prosperity of our communities. That’s why the 2022 budget proposes a tax cut for growing small businesses. the Digital Adoption Program helps companies move their services online and adopt new technologies. In addition, last July we improved the Small business financing program to give entrepreneurs access to the means they need to recover, innovate and thrive as we build a better future for Canadians.

“We are also helping small businesses with a new wave of challenges: rising inflation, rising labor costs and labor shortages. We’ve proposed new measures to make doing business in Canada as easy as possible, including building more resilient supply chains and increasing immigration to alleviate labor shortages. We will continue to ensure small businesses have the funds they need to grow. We’ll also make sure they have access to the materials and labor they need to do it.

“To the small and medium business owners and entrepreneurs in Canada: Thank you for all your hard work. This week and each week I encourage all Canadians to support merchants in our neighborhoods and together we will build a stronger future for all. »

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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