Serious consequences for the Canadian women’s soccer team after the spy scandal

As we reported in recent days, a scandal broke out surrounding the women’s national football team Joseph Lombardi He is part of the Canadian team’s coaching staff and admitted to flying a drone over the stadium where Team New Zealand, Canada’s opponent in Thursday’s first game, was training.

A series of denunciations followed, showing that the coaching staff had been using this unsportsmanlike tactic for several years.

Canada Soccer was found responsible for its staff failing to comply with tournament rules. Three staff members were suspended and are returning home, including the head coach Bev Priestmaneach for a period of one year.

In addition to these bans, FIFA has deducted six points from Canada’s Olympic rankings for women’s football, making their chances of moving up the list quite slim.

Local police arrested the suspected drone operator. Joseph Lombardiwho was described as a “non-Canada Soccer analyst,” was later sentenced to eight months probation and sent home along with the assistant coach Jasmine Mander.

6 points in the standings is huge in a soccer tournament. Despite a win in their first game against New Zealand, the Canadians need to win their next two games against France and Colombia, and there it will take luck to reach the quarterfinals.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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