Schools, unsuitable housing, architecture… Update on E. Macron’s announcements in Marseille

The President of the Republic wants to transform Marseille. Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Marseille from 26-28 June 2023 as part of the second act of the ‘Marseille en grand’ plan aims to make more resources available to France’s second city. The head of state wants to accelerate the investment plan he launched in September 2021 and says he wants “go even faster“. It’s about “to take care of the emergency and to plan for the future together“. Enlarge these announcements.

urban redevelopment

Marseille is the poorest city in France and has around 40,000 slums. Like the municipality, the state is also committed to fighting the unworthy living environment that severely affects this area. In a speech, the President recalled that two years ago the amount earmarked for urban renewal had doubled from 300 to 650 million euros. A number “record“, according to Emmanuel Macron.”I will be very vigilant to get the work done on these pages [de rénovation urbaine] be in good condition, conditions of employment that provide work for young people in the neighborhood. Businesses have a duty in these neighborhoods.

The run-down condominium theme is part of the urban renewal program Marseille is benefiting from. “Almost 70% of unsuitable housing is in condominiums” And “87 large condominiums, i.e. 19,000 residential units, [sont jugées] fragile to very degraded‘ the city recalled in a press release. The difficulty is that when slum landlords have settled, landlords fail to pay the fees, as debt mounts, as the commons deteriorate, as the… elevators and roofs are not repaired…Emmanuel Macron estimated during a trip to the 10th arrondissement city of Benza. So he wishes”change the law” Because “today’s is too protective of the interests of those who don’t play the game“. In the future law he envisions, people in such situations will “more help“, Emergency work and study deadlines will be “accelerated“And it will be easier to dispossess”bad payers“.

eleven operations”Specific“Three operations will be launched in Marseille, which are operations of national interest.”We will dispossess, compensate and relocate the people and do the work.“This emergency system will specifically affect four large derelict private condominiums that will benefit from an extraordinary rescue plan,” he assured the daily. Provence. “We will mobilize exceptional intervention opportunities and better fight the sleep traders. It’s urgent‘ he told the local newspaper.

These announcements were well received by Marseille City Councilor Benoît Payan, who on June 20, together with the City of Saint-Denis, launched a cities’ network against unsuitable housing. In his opinion, Marseille will receive “concrete progress in the fight against substandard housing in Marseille and across France. Housing is the most essential and fundamental right; The ability to find refuge in the privacy of safe and healthy housing is a vital need, and yet the housing crisis continues to wreak havoc, putting thousands of families at risk“Marseille has implemented several measures to combat this phenomenon, including a budget of 11 million euros in September 2022 to support emergency works and help rehabilitate run-down condominiums.


In the “Marseille en grand” plan, not only housing construction is given priority. Education is also part of it. While visiting a school in the Castellane district that is being renovated, Emmanuel Macron felt that the renovation of the schools made the construction possible.student success“. On this side the plan “Advance payment“, assures the mayor, because in two years “22 schools are already being set up and more than 30 are in the process of being studied“A total of 188 companies have to be rehabilitated.


Emmanuel Macron also wants to modernize the Marseille Public Assistance hospitals and announces a €240 million extension of the facilities. In addition, an additional framework is planned for the construction of a new health facility, namely the new site of the Armies Training Hospital. It will be built in Sainte-Marthe, north of the city.


Speaking at the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (Mucem), the President said he wanted the creation of ten major districts of contemporary architecture for “Invent a new radiant city in the Northern Districts“. This is part of their desire to strengthen the city’s cultural claim and make it a “epicenter“the culture.


Finally for “open up“Neighborhoods and”create entrepreneurship“Emmanuel Macron wants to review the city’s mobility plan”doubling of the subsidy [dédiée aux transports]“Initially 250 million euros.

Andrea Hunt

Twitter enthusiast. Organizer. Explorer. Reader. Zombie aficionado. Tv specialist. Thinker. Incurable internet maven.

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