Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate falls again, Statistics Canada says

As of July 2022, Saskatchewan had 576,200 jobs and reached its pre-pandemic level of 100.4%, the provincial government said in a press release.

According to Statistics Canada, as of July 2022, Saskatchewan had an unemployment rate of 4%. This is a decrease from July 2021 when the rate was estimated to be over 7%.

Saskatchewan continues to lead the nation, with one of the lowest unemployment rates and some of the highest job gains in the country welcomes Secretary of State for Immigration and Training Jeremy Harrison.

In his opinion, these results reflect the province’s desire to create favorable conditions for investments.

Low unemployment rates, combined with the strong job creation numbers we’ve seen over the past year, will result in additional economic growth and prosperity that will benefit all residents of our province.

More jobs in housing, healthcare and education

Full-time jobs rose by 32,600 while part-time jobs fell by 8,100, Statistics Canada found.

The accommodation and catering sector recorded the strongest employment growth. They generated 8,300 jobs, a third of the figures published up to July 2022.

This is followed by health and social services and education with 5,700 and 4,300 new jobs respectively.

Most jobs were created in the private sector.

The report mentions that 14,000 jobs have been created in the private sector and also notes that the number of positions held by women in Saskatchewan has increased by 13,700.

The number of Aboriginal people working outside their communities has also increased by a third. A total of 8,700 positions are held by members of indigenous communities.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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