Return of the Nordic: “We dream in color”

The Arizona Coyotes and their nearly 5,000-seat arena are sparking reactions across the National Hockey League. Meanwhile, Quebec City is eagerly awaiting the arrival of an NHL franchise with an amphitheater that perfectly meets the standards.

“It’s a black eye for the National League,” said Michel Therrien ahead of Saturday’s clash between the Montreal Canadiens and the St. Louis Blues.

“It’s unacceptable for me to play in an arena like this. The Players Association has lost revenue to deal with. Especially when you have cities willing to host clubs.

For Michel Therrien there is no doubt that NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman needs to face facts.

“Quebec has to be there,” he pounded.

Do the fans, nourished by the hope of seeing the Nordiques again, dream in color? No doubt for the former chief instructor.

“I think we dream in color. The group of Canadian owners, chaired by Geoff Molson – he was chairman in 2016 I think and I was following the team at the time – they don’t want the Nordiques.

Not in Molson’s interest?

Therrien thinks “the ad revenue and revenue pie” is too important for a second team to land in Quebec. Although Molson was already open to the idea of ​​reviving a Canada-Nordic rivalry.

“Put yourself in his place. He can’t come out and say, “I don’t want the Nordiques, I want to keep all the earnings for myself.” It’s a shame because I still feel Canadians have a responsibility to hockey fans and players, but also to staff.

“The rivalry and enthusiasm that would generate would be incredible for Quebec. I think that would be important. Unfortunately, with the Montreal Canadiens ownership group, I don’t think they want the Nordiques in the picture.”

Therrien definitely has no intention of returning to lead the Habs with comments like this one day! He has no intention of hiding behind his microphone.

“I made my decision last year. We moved on. So I can express myself a bit more than before. When you’re in the “game” you don’t want to talk too much and displease.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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