Quebec passes law expanding medical euthanasia

Of the elected officers present, 103 voted in favour. Two Liberals voted against: Filomena Rotiroti and Linda Caron. Liberal André A. Morin abstained.

The new law allows advance inquiries to themedical assistance in dying for people with a serious and incurable illness. However, it can take up to two years for such applications to be made. People with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, for example, still have to be patient.

Sandra Demontigny, who has been suffering from early-stage Alzheimer’s since 2019, is looking forward to it (new window) to be able to make your request in advance. In an interview with the Canadian Press two weeks ago, she told the Canadian Press that she was scared Go straight.

Senior Minister Sonia Bélanger explained that it took time to harmonize the new version of themedical assistance in dying with the penal code.

On Wednesday, shortly after the adoption, the minister reiterated that she wanted to continue fast but right.

We must comply with the professional codes: the Order of Nurses and the College of Physicians. Training programs need to be put in place. We need to train competent professionals, and do it properlyshe explained.

And it’s not true that 15 minutes of exercise…She added.

Ms. Bélanger states that she has already discussed the issue with the federal government.

Now people with one severe physical impairment resulting in significant and permanent disability will also be eligiblemedical assistance in dying.


The draft law had to be changed in a number of points.

The new law will change the original law on themedical assistance in dying to enable a person to be cared for at the end of life where they want it (new window). This amendment follows the revelations of The press about funeral homes that offered thismedical assistance in dying.

Section 4 of the Euthanasia Act states that a person may request terminal care in a facility maintained by an institution, on the premises of a hospice or in a residential home.

The term Furnishings includes Any entity covered by the Health and Human Services Act that operates a local community service center, hospital center, or residential and long-term care center.

However, this practice is monitored. The new law now says No one may advertise or promote any good or service provided in the course of any commercial activity by associating it directly or indirectly with medical euthanasia.

Also, the original bill provided that a person with a severe and incurable neuromotor disability could have asked formedical assistance in dying. However, the concept of neuromotor disability There was no consensus and many feared it would be discriminatory.

During deliberations on the bill, groups such as the College of Physicians called for the adjective to be dropped neuromotor to capture multiple types of disabilities and thus be consistent with the federal government. Former PQ MP Véronique Hivon – considered Mother of the current law onmedical assistance in dying – called for caution and a substantive debate as the definition of the term is ‘disability’ extremely wide.

The idea of neuromotor disability was therefore replaced by that of severe physical impairment resulting in significant and permanent disabilityfollowing recommendations from a group of experts set up at the Minister’s request to study the issue.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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