Publication for Radio-Canada: Charles Tisseyre moved by the reactions

Charles Tisseyre was not brought to the ground at the end of the premiere of 2014 Revised and correctedat the Théâtre du Rideau Vert, Monday. In one of the sketches of the year-end play, actor Benoît Paquette offers a tasty imitation of the host of discovery who explains the phenomenon of the Ice Bucket Challenge in detail on stage.

And the main character loved the pastiche that Benoît Paquette made of him. Completely exuberant and excited, Charles Tisseyre personally went backstage at the end of the evening to congratulate his “double” and even insisted on having his photo taken with him. He also warmly praised the work of the entire troupe 2014 Revised and corrected and its director, Alain Zouvi.

“It’s really quite a tribute,” said Charles Tisseyre happily. We’re just another TV show, and to think that all those minutes were reserved for me, for us, for what we do discoveryit touched and moved me deeply. The performance was extremely believable and funny. When I saw the actor coming, I said to myself: “But it’s me!” (laughs) I really liked that, as did the whole magazine.”

Charles Tisseyre liked the idea of ​​the authors of 2014 Revised and correctedto associate it with the Ice Bucket Challenge movement.

“I was already thinking about it when it happened. I wondered if it would be a good idea to write a column about the possible physiological reactions when you put the ice bucket on your head. What really happens to the whole of human physiology at that time? I didn’t dare talk about it with my colleagues, but I asked myself the question! I told myself it would be fascinating,” laughed Charles Tisseyre, half seriously, half jokingly, without us knowing if his was really a joke.

Another recognition that has warmed Charles Tisseyre’s heart in recent weeks: the positive reactions that followed his commitment to save Radio-Canada during the state-owned company’s annual public meeting two weeks ago. His statement that went viral on social networks, the numerous comments of thanks and congratulations that “Charles Tisseyre Facts” which sent the Twittersphere into a frenzy for a few days, the journalist never imagined that his words would have such a resonance. Nevertheless, the man has stated what he had to say on the subject and now wants to reinstate his duty of restraint.

“I was really touched that the public reacted that way,” he said. For me, it was definitely extremely positive. But I can’t talk about it anymore because I’ve returned to my duty of restraint. During the public panel discussion on Radio-Canada, I came to the conclusion that my duty of confidentiality was suspended, so I spoke freely. But as a journalist, I have to respect my duty of confidentiality for ethical reasons. So I can’t say more than that, except of course that these reactions on Twitter and Facebook really touched me. I understand the file well and I just said what I thought about it. It came out very naturally.”

The communicator was happy to announce this discoverywhich he has headed for 21 years, will return to Radio-Canada in winter and fall 2015.

“Since the beginning of television in 1952, Radio-Canada has had a continuous popular science program,” said Charles Tisseyre. There were the major programs by Fernand Séguin, then a whole series of meetings, and we at Radio-Canada are the heirs of this tradition and this culture of popular science. It is at the heart of Radio-Canada’s mandate to make science known to the general public.”

“I have been with Découverte for 21 years and with Radio-Canada for 40 years. I joined in 1974 at the age of 24, so I have seen things. “It has been an incredible privilege for me to be able to work at Radio-Canada and then to have a career there that has been wonderful so far and continues to be wonderful despite everything,” he concluded, describing many as a “gentleman” in the wake of his public expression of anger.

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Earl Bishop

Thinker. Professional social media fanatic. Introvert. Web evangelist. Total pop culture fan.

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