Ocado Levert Technologie aan McKesson Canada in the next annual report – November 15, 2023 at 5:21 p.m

Britain’s Ocado Group closed its first retail and retail store deal on Wednesday, powered by robotic magazine technology developed by the Canadian division of medical distributor McKesson Corp. was acquired.

Prices in Ocado rose 7% late midday after the online supermarket and tech group completed the deal.

CEO Tim Steiner used the latest Ocado technology to control the controls.

“Here we have been operating in the complex world of trading and online lending for 20 years, and we have brought 11 new IP addresses into additional sectors,” he said.

Ocado indicates that the required components have completed the construction process and the final condition for the final installation. There is also a door to be opened that is necessary to support the technology.

I believe that the impact of the business on cash flow is minimal and represents a profit in the main business. (Dispatched by Prerna Bedi in Bengaluru and James Davey in London; Work by Shilpi Majumdar, Kirsten Donovan)

Jillian Snider

Extreme problem solver. Professional web practitioner. Devoted pop culture enthusiast. Evil tv fan.

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