No more submission of vaccination card

From this Saturday, performance halls, public and entertainment venues can also open at maximum capacity.

While many breathe a sigh of relief, others remain concerned about the impact of this important step in the deconfinement process put forward by the Quebec government.

Between relief and worry

In the red carpet cinema of Trois-Rivières, these new measures are greeted with relief. At the fair Live, Paul Langevin, co-owner of the cinema, acknowledged that the obligation to present the vaccination certificate monopolizes a full-time employee.

On the other hand, he notes that his clientele has mixed feelings about the abolition of this measure and the fact that the number of viewers is no longer limited. There’s a part that’s very happy, then another that tells us they’re worried. There it will be the return of the unvaccinated that worries a littlesays Paul Langevin.

The co-owners and staff try to put people at ease. Wearing a mask remains mandatory. Hand sanitizing appears to be a ritual that will remain permanent for The Red Carpet management. Hand disinfection, we installed it at the entrance to the cinema […] even after that, when everything is dismantled, we’ll keep it that way. So that people simply disinfect their hands when entering the cinemahe adds.

A long way to go

Although things have improved a lot for cinema owners, Paul Langevin notes that business has not regained its pre-pandemic pace. We are far from it too! We are happy, things are going well, we still have a lot of peoplehe mentions, but admits that having to turn people away because the room is full hasn’t happened to him in two years.

Paul Langevin remains optimistic. We approach quietly, we have lively films, we are well encouraged. But as I said, we still have a long way to go.

Darren Pena

Avid beer trailblazer. Friendly student. Tv geek. Coffee junkie. Total writer. Hipster-friendly internet practitioner. Pop culture fanatic.

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