Neptune can win public contracts again

On April 6, the Supreme Court temporarily stayed the effects of the Autorité des Marchés Publics decision regarding Neptune Security Services Inc.writes the Quebec Public Procurement Authority in a press release.

Last week Supreme Court Justice Claude Bouchard granted Neptune a stay would hold 130 ongoing contracts in Quebec.

Due to the serious or irreparable damage she would suffer, the court stayed her suspension from public contracts until May 18, when a judge will review the case in detail.

In addition to lost revenue, this situation can result in a risk of claims and penalties for breaching these contracts and seriously damage the Company’s reputation.wrote Judge Bouchard, noting that several Neptune customers have canceled their contract with the safety agency.

In his decision, the judge ordered thegrade point average to give orders to Neptune temporarily again.

In particular, the Autorité des marchés publics accuses Neptune of failing to do so reveal their true leaders and to use numbered companies, a structure that would make this possible to escape the law.

The company’s major boss, who goes by the name of Robert Butler, has not been identified in the published company structure.grade point average for verification purposes, according to information from the show Investigationwhich also revealed that Mr. Butler uses two identities in the course of his business.

Neptune’s lawyers also blame itgrade point average have lack of transparencyto see her caught and not having given him enough time to reply. The exclusion of public contracts is a definitive and draconian sanction contrary to the spirit of the law on procurement by public bodiesadds the company.

Over the past 10 years, the Neptune Agency has won hundreds of government contracts nationwide, most notably with the Sûreté du Québec, to oversee courthouses and conduct construction work at Canadian military bases.

Tyrone Hodgson

Incurable food practitioner. Tv lover. Award-winning social media maven. Internet guru. Travel aficionado.

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