NATO Summit | Trudeau met Zelenskyy

(Vilnius) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the NATO summit on Wednesday morning, a day after the Ukrainian president criticized the alliance for not issuing a clear invitation to his country.

The leaders exchanged pleasantries, with Zelenskyy thanking Canada for all its support during the war and Trudeau promising to continue the war for as long as necessary.

It was a different tone from Zelenskyy on Tuesday when he said it was absurd that NATO leaders had not set a timetable for Ukraine’s accession.

The heads of state and government of the 31 NATO countries said in a press release that Ukraine had to meet certain conditions, particularly with regard to democratic reforms and the elimination of corruption. Above all, they emphasized, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine must first be ended.

This Wednesday also saw the first meeting of the new NATO-Ukraine Council, which aims to deepen ties as Ukraine strives to meet the requirements of the Atlantic Alliance.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President Zelenskyi last met in person last month when Canada’s Prime Minister visited Kiev.

Jordan Johnson

Award-winning entrepreneur. Baconaholic. Food advocate. Wannabe beer maven. Twitter ninja.

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